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Research has shown that nutrition is essential to supporting a child's health and growth requirements, and nutrition in a child's early years is strongly linked to cognitive development later in life.

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The menus in our childcare centres have been designed by award-winning Chef Torben Bilney in conjunction with Nutrition Australia.  

Our menus change weekly and are updated each season to offer our children a healthy variety of meals that take advantage of the seasonally available fresh produce. Our carefully crafted menu is designed in accordance with professional nutritional advice and caters for any allergy, or cultural or religious requirements.

Breakfast is available each morning from 8:30 AM, when children can choose from the breakfast buffet serving fresh fruit and a selection of cereals.

Our childcare centres provide morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, and a late afternoon snack. We can also offer recipes to take home, nutrition information for your child and programs to teach children about where their food comes from with many of our centres having gardens we tend throughout out the year - eating what we harvest.

Example Menu Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning Tea
Yoghurt & Fresh Seasonal Fruit Raisin Toast with Fresh Seasonal Fruit & Milk English Muffins with Fresh Seasonal Fruit & Milk Crushed Avocado & Ricotta Cheese with Wholemeal Toast & Milk Baked Beans with Wholemeal Toast & Seasonal Fruit & Milk
Creamy (Bacon), Mushroom, & Broccoli Pasta with Cheese Beef, Mixed Vegetables, Cannellini Beans (White) & Potato Casserole Apricot Chicken with Red Lentils, Onions, Carrots, Zucchini with Steamed Rice TSpaghetti Bolognaise, Pork & Veal Mince & Brown Lentils, Wholemeal Pasta & Grated Cheese Pizza with Mushrooms, Pineapple, Tomato, Cheese & Ham (Veg option available)
Creamy Vegetarian Pasta Vegetarian Casserole Apricot, Chickpeas & Vegetables with Steamed Rice Vegetarian Spaghetti Bolognaise Vegetarian Pizza
Afternoon Tea
Fruit with Sundried Tomato Dip & Cucumber Sticks or Cheese Sandwiches on Wholemeal Bread Pumpkin & Grated Zucchini Muffins with Fresh Seasonal Fruit Wholemeal Sandwich with Fresh Seasonal Fruit Hummus with Carrot & Apple Sticks Corn Cobs or Sweet Potato Wedges
Late Snack
Crackers & Sultanas Grated carrot & sultanas, shredded cheese Cream Cheese & Grated Carrots Fruit & Vegetable Platter with Hummus Sultanas & Rice Crackers

Meal times provide great opportunities to promote children’s agency and thrive interdependency. The implementation of progressive and enriched mealtimes allows opportunities for meaningful interactions with educators and peers, gives children opportunities for relaxed and enjoyable meal times.

Our Menus are developed in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia


Element 2.1.3 - Healthy eating and physical activity are promoted and appropriate for each child
Element 1.1.3 - All aspects of the program, including routines, are organised in ways that maximise opportunities for each child’s learning
Element 1.2.3 - Each child’s agency is promoted, enabling them to makes choices and decisions that influence events and their world
Element 1.3.3 - Families are informed about the programs and their child’s progress


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